Refill RX

What is MTM?

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) affords you the opportunity to connect with one of our pharmacists who can help review your medications, how you’re taking them, and how well they’re working for you.

During a dedicated face-to-face meeting, your pharmacist will review your prescriptions, over the counter medications and supplements with you and/or a loved one or caregiver. We can than work together and in conjunction with your doctor to improve the effectiveness of your medication regimen.

Who is a candidate for MTM?

This full-spectrum health and wellness review is worthwhile for anyone who regularly takes prescription or over the counter medications to ensure you’re getting the best healthcare possible.

MTM can be especially beneficial to those with multiple health conditions and/or prescriptions as we can sometimes identify duplications or conflicts that are often missed when you get multiple prescriptions from different doctors and pharmacies.

If you are interested in finding out if a Medication Review is right for you please contact your pharmacist.

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