Refill RX

One trip for all your refills

Let us take the worry, stress and time out of your busy schedule by refilling ALL of your prescriptions in ONE TRIP with Med Sync.

Are all of my prescriptions eligible for MedSync? We are able to include any routine medications (except for controlled substances) that you fill at our pharmacy.

Can I pick my monthly MedSync pickup date? As part of the MedSync process, we can work with you to review your medications and identify a preferred date for pick-up. After that, we’ll automatically review your meds each month and have them ready for you every 30-days! We can also try and sync multiple family members to the same fill date to make pick-up even easier!

Does it cost anything to sign up for MedSync? No, we provide MedSync services at no cost to you! It is simply about increasing medication adherence and making picking-up your prescriptions as simple as it can be. Should we need to provide a bridge fill on one or more prescriptions to establish a MedSync date, your insurance may require an additional co-pay.

How it works

We simplify your prescriptions to a once a month fill date using Med Sync.

Why it works

  • Ensures you will not run out of your prescription.
  • You no longer have to call in prescription refills.
  • Fewer trips to the pharmacy.
  • Improves medication adherence which means you and your loved ones will stay healthy and happier.
Contact Us

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